Flash Flooring’s Superfloor™ is the revolutionary flooring concept with a technique that makes concrete more than just strong and hard-wearing. The technique is as simple as it is ingenious. Flash Flooring’s machines and diamond tools grind and polish concrete floors to remove the surface paste and expose the stronger concrete beneath. The result of this process is a stronger, more durable, shiny and beautiful floor. The environment and your bottom line both benefit too.

1 HTC Superfloors

Beauty comes from below

Floors are an important part of everyday life, in both industrial areas and private residences. But as well as looking good, a floor needs to be functional too.That’s why you’re going to love Superfloor™ The glossy concrete surface is not just aesthetically pleasing – it brings a host of other benefits too.

Toward a better environment

Concrete is composed of pure natural materials. The coatings that are often applied to the concrete have an adverse effect on the environment. Superfloor™ uses as much as 30 times less energy than traditional flooring solutions. The Superfloor™ floor maintenance system is also the only completely eco-friendly cleaning method.

A floor for the electronics industry

The resistance tests conducted, both on floor joists and on concrete slabs on the ground, show that Superfloor™ complies with the SS-EN 61340-5-1 standard. Measured values fall within the range for the international IEC standard and the American ANSI/ESD standard too. Walk-around tests with ESD shoes generally produce low or no static.

Only use water

Flash Flooring’s Superfloor™ cleaning method allows you to keep all types of floors clean with the minimum of effort. All that is required is water – no chemicals or polishing agents. This make us more gentle on floors and produces brilliant results.

A floor to suit all tastes

Superfloor™ is available as four different concepts. Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. This means you can choose between a floor with a matt surface finish or a high gloss finish. What all four of the Superfloor™ concepts have in common is that they are functional, economical, eco-friendly and aesthetically appealing.

Add colour to your floor!

Flash Flooring’s Superfloor offers more than just a chance to have a hard-wearing, high-gloss floor. You can also add colour of your choice to the conrete floor, without losing any of the floor’s excellent qualities. You might want to bring colour to the entire floor or simply incorporate an eye-catching company logo.

Strong floor, strong bottom line

Flash Flooring’s Superfloor™ is an extremely economical option for all types of business activities. Compared with traditional methods for concrete floors or epoxy, for example, Superfloor™ offers unbeatable durability. The processed construction concrete has an unlimited lifespan, i.e. the same as the lifespan of the building.